Saturday, 29 November 2008

so far...

so far i have two followers. thats pretty exciting considering it hasnt even been 6 hours yet. I thought i would lighten this blog up with some random thought (apparently sometimes i am a bit too intense) ....

ok so i am not really into a lot of current music these days, but i love chris brown for some reason. who loves him? anyways, i was hanging out with ty and tuns the other day and they played shane wards 'breathless' twice. i didnt think too much of it at first but on listening to it again, i really liked it. the lyrics are intense... absolutely.

so on that note, is it too soon to post you guys something heavy? so i put this next article up on facebook the other day and boy, did it attract comments... i wish i could upload the comments but i suppose there might be laws against that kind of stuff. but give me a few minutes and i will find it and upload it. look out for it.... x

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